About Us
Hello there!
We gladly inform you that studying abroad is not necessarily expensive!
We understand that the future revolves around international competition. The concept of MEA (Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean) draws people from all around the world to come, seeking strategic positions across countries to get the best career opportunities. All companies, wherever in the world will proudly consider your special potential. Special language skills, experiences in living abroad, other soft skills, etc. are counted!
Some choose to be an expert in one subject. Others choose to explore as many as possible different fields and master some of them. Whichever is your choice, we care about your future, we have the means to help you, and we would like to help !
Deutsch Learning Center (DLC) started in Batam in 2014 by three Indonesians who have been living and working in Germany for a period of time. DLC is intended to prepare students’ German language proficiency, helping them pursue their education in Germany, Switzerland and Austria.
Other than sharing the language, we also love sharing our experiences living, studying and working in Germany.
Studying abroad is not necessarily expensive if you prepare and consult the right time!
Sign Up & Join Us NOW for more information!
DLC Team